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Feeling Seen in Relationships

@C2gether, Biel

Saturday Oct 5, 10.00-13:30

Healing the Mother Wound
Hakomi-Inspired Workshop

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Hakomi-inspired workshop for women who want to feel heard, seen and understood in their personal or professional relationships

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Women who've had a challenging relationship with their mother often end up feeling unseen, unheard or misunderstood in their adult relationships


It can be quite painful to repeatedly feel misunderstood, unseen or unheard by the people we spend a lot of time with such as intimate partners, colleagues or close friends.


Women who've had a challenging relationship with their mother often describe the frustration of choosing intimate partners who don't give them the level of attention or safety they need, friends who betray their trust or not there for them when they need it or colleagues who under appreciate them.

And the connection between a challenging relationship with one's mum in childhood and unfulfilling relationships in adulthood is often left unexplored.

So there's a tendency to think that you're too much, you're asking for too much or in some way or another the disappointments you're experiencing in relationships are--for one reason or another, your fault.

But. I want you to know it's not your fault!​ And feelings of guilt, shame or frustration in relationships do not have to be a default.

Following my work with many women on healing the mother wound, I’ve learned how critical it can be to learn which mother-wound patterns are transferred into adult relationships so a woman can cultivate or choose satisfying relationships in her personal or professional life.



Feeling Seen in Relationships

In-person, Hakomi-inspired workshop for healing the mother wound and finding satisfaction in relationships.

​In this 3.5 hours workshop you will:

  • Gain understanding what mother-wound tendencies lead to unfulfilling relationships

  • Find nourishing experiences that inform new ways of connecting

  • Experience a sense of belonging in a community of women like you

  • Practice in various somatic practices how to relate to others in ways that empower you

Space is limited to 10 participants

A women-only workshop

Light snacks and tea will be provided

Workshop fee: 100CHF


"I was deeply touched by your workshop "Feeling Seen in Relationships". For a few days after it I was still feeling the waves and digesting & integrating the experience. I found all the exercises very good and especially the 3rd exercise was so profound. I was amazed how within only 3 hours such intimacy and depth could be gradually achieved. So, thank you again for sharing this work with all of us and for holding the safe space for healing and realisations to take place". 


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There is plenty of advice online about relationships. Yet most of them miss the main, if not only thing that's needed in order to feel seen, heard and understood in relationships.

The messages that we hear are:

1. Speak up

Sometimes women try to speak up but they're not listen to. "I keep knowing on doors that won't open" women often say. Other times, it feels tender or impossible to find the right words or the right moment to say what you want to say.

And then, there's the conscious or uncosnicous fear that if you start saying what you really want you're risking losing that relationship.

Speaking up cannot be a one-size-fit-all solution.


2. Accept 

You may have tried many times to accept for example, behaviours that don't change, being misunderstood, not having the level of attention you secretly want and more.


Perhaps to a certain extent you even managed to accept what's not working for you. But after a while you bounce back to a familiar disappointment, sadness or anger.


it’s simply impossible to accept an undesired reality if we don't really know why this reality happens in the first place.


There's a direct connection between the relationship you've had with your mother and how you form relationships as an adult, whether those are friendships, intimate connections or professional relationships. This is a missing piece that's remained unxplored.





Hi, I'm Shelly

Being abandoned by my mother, physically and emotionally, I recretaed similar experinces without knowing how and why. The journey of healing my own mother wound inspired me to start helping women heal childhood trauma and move beyong the lmiting belives that get them stuck in unsatisfying relationships.

For the past 15 years I’ve been working with women worldwide, using Buddhist psychology and trauma-informed practices such as Hakomi, polyvegal theory, breath work and IFS to heal the mother wound and become unlimited.

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"I realised in the workshop that a part of myself believed that I couldn't trust or even believe it possible that somebody else could really hold or support me. But the experience that it WAS possible and how good it felt was like a cage that I had put around myself had melted away. 


I came out of the workshop empowered on a new level to live my life by my terms and to trust my rhythm. 

I felt very safe and for the first time in such a setting I was not distracted by others around me, I was very much in the process and journey that Shelly was creating and guiding us through. 

Even when I felt overwhelmed I felt super safe to share and felt super heard and supported. I was touched by your capacity to hold the space in such a calm, gentle and compassionate way."



Feeling Seen in Relationships

In this workshop you'll discover some of the mother wound habits and beliefs that lead to the experince of feeling unseen, unheard or misunderstood in relatioships, and how to transform them.



  • Have ideas and clarities about the relational habits that lead to an experince of feeling unseen

  • Gain positive experiences that show you how to feel more seen, heard or understod in relationships

  • Discover the connection between the mother wound and your current relationships

  • Feel nourished

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  • A 3.5 hours workshop, with light snacks & fruits break, lots of space to connect with yourself as well as with others in a safe and guided way

  • It's a women only workshop

  • Space is limited to 10 women

  • Fee is 100CHF. Can be paid directly when you click the sign-up button below. For twint or bank transfer ask me for the details: love (at) shellysharon (dot) com

  • Refund: a full redund, minus transaction fees is available with a notice of cancellation a month prior to the workshop date. No refunds are availabke in less than a month cancellation, unless the workshop is full and another participant can take your place

"It was a brilliant workshop. Two different times what came up in my body was unexpected and perhaps off-topic but handled in a way that lead to deep processing and integration. Shelly’s identification of what was happening was razor-sharp and with minimum, precise intervention she was able to bring my process to its momentary completion"


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  • Can I join the coaching group instead of one-on-one?
    Group meetings and one-on-one meetings have different advantages and cannot be a replacement of one another but can definitely be complementary. The biggest advantage of one-on-one is that the process, focus and rhythm of the meetings are tailored specifically to your needs and all of the attention is on you. A coaching group is a wonderful space to put into practice new possibilities of being in a safe and supportive space and getting the deeply healing sense that you're not alone as you share your innermost being with like-hearted women. If you’re not sure, we’ll explore that in our chat.
  • I’m dealing with trauma (or had one in the past). Will the group be a good fit for me?
    Though there’ll be an abundance of therapeutic benefits to participants of this group, it’s not a therapy group. I am trauma-informed and can support many needs and situations, yet to ensure that this group setting is the best support for what you need right now please bring this up in our chat.
  • Are there any prerequisites to participating?
    There are no real prerequisites to be able to enjoy this group. Yet, it's an advantage to have some familiarity with mindfulness-based practices. The focus of the group is on experiencing rather than merely talking. You will need to feel comfortable with or open to experience-based practices.
  • Why is there a difference in rate between the one payment and instalments?
    Paying in instalments may make this offer more feasible for you and I’m happy to offer this. At the same time, it takes more admin time and additional transaction fees which I’m unable to absorb. If it’s feasible for you to pay in advance the extra expenses are taken off the total payment.
  • Is this like therapy?
    While there are many therapeutic benefits to this workshop, please note that this is not a group therapy or a replacement for an individual session. This workshop is a great opportunity to work with relational methods to discover more on how healing the mother wound could be possible for you. You can continue working on the realisations you'll have in your private or group therapy.
  • Can I have a single session?
    I'm not offering single sessions. I've found from experience that single sessions are not very effective in healing the mother wound and are of no help in rebuilding trust, one of the pillar foundations for healing the mother wound. The free get-together call will give you ample information and the feeling of whether working with me would be a good fit for you.
  • How do I know if I'm ready for this?
    This is a really personal question. For some people ready means reaching a breaking point, for others, it's a sense of ripeness. We hate to admit it, but we tend to seek out help when we're already reaching breaking point. You can ask yourself and be honest with what comes up: How close am I to the edge? How long do I need to carry on with limiting habits and pushing myself forward on my own?
  • I feel guilt/shame talking about my mother, what can I do?
    It's very natural and in fact, very common. Especially if you kept secret your childhood experiences. Healing the mother wound is not mother-blaming. It's acknowledging how your childhood experiences, regardless of best intentions, impacted you negatively. There's a safe and compassionate way to move through shame or guilt and then release it.
  • I find it difficult to trust, so how can I even make a decision to contact you?
    Of course if your trust has been broken you'll find it difficult to let others in and help you. Trust starts with contact. I offer a free call so you can feel for yourself if trust is something you could imagine being built through our work together.
  • How long do I need to work on the mother wound in order to not feel like that anymore?
    For my part, I stay away from anyone who promises a certain degree of healing on a time scale. The time is takes is shaped by the particular needs and life story you work with. After learning in the free call what you're facing and what your optimal life scenario is, if you ask me to, I could share my view on what could be the range of time needed, based on my experience of thousands of hours of working on healing the mother wound.
  • Do I need to tell you what happened to me?
    No. Unless you want to. Sometimes telling stories about the past is triggering and in fact, goes against what you want to achieve. My proven process is gentle and helps you find the right measure of sharing details.
  • Do I need to know how to meditate to work with you?
    The only thing you really need is the curiosity to incorporate non-verbal elements in our work together
  • Do I need to pay for the package in advance?
    Paying in advance helps me better support my family and my business. But this is not possible for everyone. Non-punitive payments are available. This could be discussed in the free call.
  • Am I going to feel pressured to buy?
    The free call is not a sales pitch. It's not a manipulation to get you into a trap. Hopefully, this page has given you enough to see if making contact is the right next step. If what you've read resonates with you, getting in touch is about finding out how my offer can serve you personally.
  • I'm struggling financially, can you help?
    If you feel ready to work with me but are experiencing financial struggles, I'd like to help if I can. Please schedule your complimentary call and we can explore your circumstances and what I could offer.
  • Can I use my health insurance to pay you?
    My work, though extremely helpful and recognised world-wide, if not acknowledged by the Swiss health insurance. Therefore, your health insurance won't be able to cover your work with me.


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